Extension Helvetia Campus, Basel
Test planning for the Campus of Helvetia Insurances
St. Alban-Anlage Basel
Client: Helvetia Versicherungen
collaboration: A. und M. Künzel Landscape Architekts AG, Binningen
Testplanning: 2013
A simple concept resolves the urban situation of St. Alban-Anlage in Basel: the existing apartment building is replaced by a new tall structure that by its shape, proportions and size creates exciting ties with the existing multi-story building and the houses along the street. A floating structure connects the three volumes and forms a continuous lobby. It also upgrades the front plaza and accents the access. The new Helvetia Campus is given a distinct sequence of spaces with varying qualities: the front plaza displays urban qualities and a hard surface, while closer to the courtyard the more garden like the spatial qualities become.